
Case Report

Ciliated Hepatic Cyst: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature

Jaime Mejías-Bielsa, Beatriz Agredano-Ávila, Eva Vázquez Tarrio and Ana Teijo-Quintáns*

Published: 23 September, 2024 | Volume 8 - Issue 3 | Pages: 079-083

The ciliated hepatic cyst of the anterior intestine is a less frequent benign entity that arises from the alteration in the migration of embryological remains. Most of them are found in the left lobe of the liver, especially in segment IV. Its wall is covered by a pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium, a layer of connective tissue, smooth muscle, and a surrounding fibrous outer layer. We present the case of a 61-year-old man who, in the context of a scheduled admission for drainage of an intraabdominal abscess, was incidentally discovered to have a hepatic lesion of cystic aspect. The anatomopathological diagnosis was that of a ciliated hepatic cyst. Due to its low frequency in clinical practice (in part due to its incidental character), a review of the case and a review in the literature of the peculiarities of said entity are proposed.

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Ciliated hepatic cyst (QCH); Intraabdominal abscess; Hepatic lesion


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