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Submitted: December 31, 2024 | Approved: January 16, 2025 | Published: January 17, 2025
How to cite this article: Serra Ch AM, Vidal RG. The Evolutionary Horizons of Social Systems. Arch Case Rep. 2025; 9(2): 019-025. Available from:
DOI: 10.29328/journal.acr.1001124
Copyright license: © 2025 Serra Ch AM, et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The Evolutionary Horizons of Social Systems
Ana Maria Serra Ch1* and R Gerardo Vidal2-5
1Faculty of Humanities, School of Philosophy, Gabriela Mistral University, Chile
2PhD, Sociology and Political Sciences, Pontifical University of Salamanca, Spain
3Researcher at the Center for Strategic Studies of the Chilean Navy, Chile
4Professor, Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso, Chile
5Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Gabriela Mistral University, Chile
*Address for Correspondence: Ana Maria Serra Ch, Faculty of Humanities, School of Philosophy, Gabriela Mistral University, Chile, Email:
This document has been translated from Spanish into English using ChatGPT. While efforts have been made to ensure accuracy and maintain the original meaning, some nuances or interpretations may differ from the source text. For any clarification, please refer to the original document or contact the author.
This brief article addresses the concern arising from the accelerated whirlwind of changes of all kinds experienced by our social systems, some of which have a significant evolutionary impact, largely driven by advances in science and technology. Particular interest has emerged in connecting certain properties inherent to the behavior of complex systems far from equilibrium—such as social systems—under the framework of properties currently studied in Complexity Sciences. The article outlines this concern, which is, for now, merely the beginning of what could develop into a groundbreaking investigation. It references laboratory simulation work aimed at understanding the evolutionary horizons of Chile’s social system. The text includes an example of some graphs that illustrate a potential method for detecting and anticipating possible evolutionary horizons of the social system, based on the role played by certain “attractor variables” within the system. However, the research is still exploratory, and this article serves merely as a general description of the initial concern.
The starting point of our intellectual inquiry is propelled by the theories of “accelerationism” (Srnicek, Williams, Fisher, etc.) juxtaposed against various “models” of social systems (Capitalism, Socialism, Neoliberalism, Conservatism, etc.). Notably, this includes the debate surrounding “Post-Capitalism” (Paul Mason1) [1], which seems imminent and, incidentally, revives the moribund state of orthodox socialism, as evidenced by the pragmatic response of openness embodied in the Chinese political-economic model. As Mason aptly points out, capitalism is an open system that interacts with its environment and adapts, changes, and evolves without disappearing upon reaching moments of criticality [2-14].
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1Mason, Paul; “PostCapitalismo, a Guide to Our Future”, Paidos Publishing, Chapter. 5, pp 157-200. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------However, these “accelerationist” theories are not far removed from the concerns raised in philosophy regarding the characterization of Postmodernity (Deleuze, Lyotard, Shafiro, Noys, etc.) and its transcendence into Transmodernity (Kracauer, W. Benjamin, Rodríguez Magda2) [15]. Transmodernity is characterized by transience, immediacy, fashion, and opinion as forms of valuation and social behavior—phenomena anticipated, interestingly, by Nietzsche. These describe socio-cultural evolutionary phenomena as attempts to “transcend” the modernity born out of the European Enlightenment of the 18th century, which should also include K. Marx as an heir of the “rationality” pervasive in that Enlightenment. It has often been suggested that both Smith and Marx are children of the same parent: the culture of the Enlightenment, which now appears poised to be subsumed by evolutionary processes.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2Magda, Rodríguez, Rosa María; “The Smile of Saturn”, Anthopos Publishing, 1989, Barcelona, Spain, Introduction, Chapters. I,II,III. pag. 10-39. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This context increasingly prioritizes the widespread concern about the evolutionary trajectory of our social systems. The “accelerationism” characterizing these processes, driven by scientific development and its technological outputs (with AI as its emblem), has culminated in an unprecedented capacity for information production in human history3. N. Luhmann4 [14,16] insightfully defined society as communication (information-energy flows), asserting that without communication, society ceases to exist. From his systemic perspective, Luhmann also recognized the inherent evolutionary sense of the social system, a vital characteristic absent from earlier social theories.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3Aguado Miguel, Scott Bernard, Buchinguer Eva; “Technology and Social Complexity, University of Murcia Publishing, Spain, 2009, see pp. 115–133 (Expanding Burkley’s Adaptive as a Sociocybernetic Technology).4Navas, Alejandro; The Sociological Theory of Niklas Luhmann, University of Navarra Editions, 1989, pp. 373–391.
Perhaps—unwittingly—the Internet, as a response to these processes was invented, addressing phenomena of increased entropy, disorder, chaos, and criticality. These challenges seem manageable only by generating even more energy, characteristic of systems far from equilibrium whose emergent behavior might obey principles rooted in thermodynamics and entropy. The paradox of complexity lies in the apparent need to address complexity by increasing it5. This concern extends to social systems, encompassing the intrinsic self-destructive capacity that has haunted humanity throughout history, manifesting in violence accompanying political crises and intensifying social conflicts, often witnessed in real-time on our portable devices.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5We refer to the expression used by PhD. Juan Pablo Cárdenas in a short essay titled “Just Around the Corner”, where he thoughtfully explores this paradox ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Complexity sciences, complex networks, and simulation models
This initial general approach aims to situate what has become an intellectual concern that could evolve into a significant and growing line of research. It relates to the evolutionary processes of social systems, particularly the potential “evolutionary horizons” that can be simulated today to offer general characterizations. This aligns with I. Prigogine’s [17] focus on the properties of evolution in complex systems far from equilibrium, such as social systems. It seems unprecedented, demanding an integrative and collaborative effort across sciences that has yet to emerge fully [17,18-27].
Recently, the general simulations of the behavior of a particular social system (Chile), integrated the phenomena of Complexity Sciences as a theoretical foundation. Using Complex Network models, the aim is to identify the general characteristics of the system’s potential evolution, particularly the role of the most significant “attractor variables,” which may influence the system’s dynamics as nodes of attraction, shaping potential evolutionary trajectories toward states such as innovation, prosperity, conflict, crisis, destabilization, stability, or progress.
To this end, “attractor variables” related to the most significant “adaptive pressures” driving the system’s evolutionary dynamics were defined. The “new social values,” which similarly function as “attractor variables were also incorporated.” This extensive list of 160 variables has been subjected to mutual impact analysis, using the theory of complex adaptive systems. This approach abandons linear cause-effect logic, as noted by Prigogine6, [17]. Prioritizing emergent phenomena arising from the intricate interrelations in systems far from equilibrium.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6Prigogine, Ilia; Stengers, Isabelle; Between Time and Eternity, Alianza Editorial Universidad, 1992, Argentina, pp. 185–214. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Various simulations with differing evolutionary horizons were constructed, graphing the system’s behavior in complex networks that highlight the most crucial nodes (adaptive pressures) in its potential evolution. The results have been fascinating, opening exciting prospects for analytical contributions from science to understanding such an essential phenomenon as characterizing the evolutionary processes of our social systems, considered complex, adaptive, and unpredictable systems.
As noted at the outset, this is merely a preliminary exploration of the evolutionary behavior of a singular “object”—our society as a complex adaptive system. The intent is to develop a research line that enriches knowledge through an integrative effort spanning sciences, humanities, arts, and religion, all of which are essential to confronting this challenge.
Below are some illustrative graphs of the simulations regarding the evolution of Chile’s social system (society). These are presented solely as an example of the type of analysis that could be conducted in future research. They serve no purpose beyond the one stated.
Simulation models
Examples of associated graphs6: Example of graphs showing the evolution of the social system, using as an example the system’s displacement based on the role played by certain “attractor variables” within the system and their effect on shifting towards conditions of “stability” or “instability” over different time horizons (15–20 years) (Figure 1).
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7The graphs included in this document are presented (4) in English and (1) in Spanish. For any inquiries regarding their content or translation, please feel free to contact the author ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Figure 1: Scenario of stability and instability -15 & 20 years of horizon respectively.
Example of a complex node graph representing the complete network of the social system and its interactions and influences (Figure 2).
Figure 2: The complete network of adaptive pressure and new assessments.
If anything stands out, it is necessary to respond with knowledge and science to where we are heading as a “society” (social systems). Perhaps this integrative knowledge approach is indispensable for identifying potential risks and impacts.
AI declaration
This document has been translated from Spanish into English using ChatGPT. While efforts have been made to ensure accuracy and maintain the original meaning, some nuances or interpretations may differ from the source text. For any clarification, please refer to the original document or contact the author.
The graphs included in this document are presented (4) in English and (1) in Spanish. For any inquiries regarding their content or translation, please feel free to contact the author (
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